That is an awesome message! Beautifully put.
breakfast of champions
JoinedPosts by breakfast of champions
My messagew to my mother post "branch talk".
by problemaddict 2 inmy wife went out of curiosity.
she is out enough to where it doesn't affect our marriage, but she keeps it a secret from her family and others.
she is beginning to understand what it means to give over your thinking to an organization, and once she works that out there will be no going back.. so she went to the branch visit.
& They Say Privileges In The Congregation Isnt a Status
by thedepressedsoul inim sure you all have heard at one point or read that being an elder or ms isnt a position higher up but rather that you work under the congregation.. anthony morris just threw that out the window!
i have privileges in the congregation and even i was offended and felt bad for anyone who was 23 or older and not a ms!.
he goes on to tell this story of how a sister wanted to marry a brother and that anthony morris discouraged it because he was 23 and not an ms yet.
breakfast of champions
If I had a dime for every sister I've known who married a ms/elder/bethelite and is now divorced from their scumbag husband, I'd be rich.
Zone Visit: An Announcement That Will "Test Your Faith"
by breakfast of champions inthis is the scuttlebutt in one of the "bethel congregations" by us.. no details as to exactly what this "faith-testing" announcement might be.. anyone else hear any of this pre-zone visit hype?.
breakfast of champions
Comment from my wife: 'We're supposed to be in the last of the last days and here they have gathered together at once 700 000 people. There are sooo many deep, encouraging, amazing things that they could have said. But instead, they decided to talk about Bethelites getting to work late and tight pants. The governing body are nothing more than egomaniacs.'
Are we approaching the Waco/Jonestown/Heaven's Gate finale?
by JimmyPage inlarge groups are being gathered to video screens to blatantly worship the governing body.
this self-proclaimed faithful slave show no signs of softening their treatment of the flock.
their backs are against the wall and the legal world is turning against them in a big way.
breakfast of champions
Like any parasite worth it's salt, they want to keep their their "host" just alive enough to live off of them.
Zone Visit: An Announcement That Will "Test Your Faith"
by breakfast of champions inthis is the scuttlebutt in one of the "bethel congregations" by us.. no details as to exactly what this "faith-testing" announcement might be.. anyone else hear any of this pre-zone visit hype?.
breakfast of champions
Why not have an encouraging hour or two telling everyone how great they are?? Well, abusers are......abusive!
You summed it up well, DATA DOG.
Zone Visit: An Announcement That Will "Test Your Faith"
by breakfast of champions inthis is the scuttlebutt in one of the "bethel congregations" by us.. no details as to exactly what this "faith-testing" announcement might be.. anyone else hear any of this pre-zone visit hype?.
breakfast of champions
LEAVING QUIETLY - I think you may have nailed it. Instead of Saturday afternoon at the movies, it's at the Kingdom Hall stuffing a couple tens in the box.
Mormon child indoctrination and Witness child indoctrination....
by stuckinarut2 ina great thread has already been started called "caleb and sofia have mormon cousins.. it shows how mormons also have cartoon characters to indoctrinate their kids.
here is the link to their website section for kids and it shows all the topics they cover!.
breakfast of champions
Has anyone gone from Mormon to JW or vice versa?
I personally know of a mother/daughter who went from Mormonism to JWism.
Out of the frying pan, into the fire.
Mormonism is "demonic" according to them.
Zone Visit: An Announcement That Will "Test Your Faith"
by breakfast of champions inthis is the scuttlebutt in one of the "bethel congregations" by us.. no details as to exactly what this "faith-testing" announcement might be.. anyone else hear any of this pre-zone visit hype?.
breakfast of champions
'People say "God understands." Well, that's not the god of the bible, that's not the god I know' - Tony the Turd
This statement really struck a chord with my wife. She was gobsmacked.
Again, I would like to thank the governing body for helping me extract my wife from this cult. Excellent work!
Could the "Test of Faith" be that the Watchtower is going Bust?
by tezrichmond ini was thinking about this anouncment at the zone visit today.
this so called test of faith may be that the wt is going bust.
let's face it, for a while now we have seen the wt trying to scrimp and save as much as possible such as .
breakfast of champions
Evidently it's not that the Tower is going bust. . . ..
It's that my "tower" is going to bust out of these tight pants I'm wearing!
Zone Visit: An Announcement That Will "Test Your Faith"
by breakfast of champions inthis is the scuttlebutt in one of the "bethel congregations" by us.. no details as to exactly what this "faith-testing" announcement might be.. anyone else hear any of this pre-zone visit hype?.
breakfast of champions
What a disappointment.
The best part was hearing the tight pants talk live.
I believe I am going to need one martini per hour of my life wasted.